Want To Finally Break Free From Constant Dieting so that You Can Lose Weight for Good?


  • ​The REAL REASONS you can't lose weight and keep it off that no one talks about
  • ​The RIGHT WAY to lose weight (that ISN'T another restrictive diet)
  • ​WHY the DIY approach to weight loss leads to yo-yo dieting and what to do instead
  • HOW to STOP sabotaging your weight loss (and how to break free from the vicious cycle)

Meet Lisa Goldberg MS, CNS, CDN

My interest in health and fitness began when I was a freshman in college. I experienced the “Freshman 15” within the first two months of arriving at school. I gained a lot of weight in, what seemed like, the blink of an eye! I ate to deal with the stress of being away from home. I ate because I was making new friends and my friends were spending hours in the dining hall and eating late at night. I ate to deal with the stress of final exams. And before I knew it, I was also eating because I figured the damage is done, so what’s a little more?

Within two months of starting school, the body I didn’t realize how much I appreciated was gone. Suddenly none of my clothes fit me. It was then I experienced those feelings of being uncomfortable in my own body, feeling miserable every time I went to my closet to get dressed, and being very unhappy about the way I looked and felt. I began to educate myself on nutrition and fitness and by the end of my freshman year I changed my diet and began to workout. My body completely transformed…I was hooked!

It wasn’t until 8 years after I graduated from college that I changed careers and decided to follow my passion for health and fitness. I first became a certified personal trainer. After successfully helping my clients transform their bodies through training and diet advice, I then went on to receive my Masters degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this really free?


  • Who is this for?

Anyone looking to lead a healthier life free from emotional eating and yo-yo dieting can join this course. A majority of people who enroll for this course are struggling to lose weight, but more importantly, are looking for a long-term solution to keep the weight off for good. Their weight takes an emotional toll on their confidence, self-esteem and their happiness. They learn how to change their relationship with food and love themselves more.

  • How long do I have access to the videos?

These is completely self-paced, on-demand, and online - you decide when you start and when you finish. Since the videos are short, most people binge watch it but you can take as long as you need.

  • Why is this information so transformational?

I've seen so many lives transformed by addressing the root cause of why you lose weight only to gain it back again. That's why I've decided to share my best tips on what you really need to shift in order to be free of the extra weight and break your old patterns and unhealthy habits.

  • Do you offer free Discovery call as well?

Yes. A personalized approach is integral to the way I help my clients conquer their chronic dieting and weight issues… because every client has a unique situation. To see if I am the right fit for you (at this time), you can book a free discovery call by following this link.